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LW Poetry

This feature showcases original poems by members of the Creative Writers Club of Leisure World and other GRF members. Send poems to

Elegy to Marcus the Wondermutt

I never knew true love….till I adopted Marcus the Wondermutt He had charcoal eyes, a handsome face, and a wiggly butt.

The shelter said he was only two, but they weren’t sure.

I’d pet him, and bathe him, and brush his fur.

We’d chew the fat, then he’d chew my slipper.

He had a paisley harness. There was nobody hipper.

If I had a bone to pick with him, he’d hide it in the couch.

He had a great attitude. And was never a grouch.

He’d often beg for food, he was kind of a mooch.

I guess like Father like Son; after all, he was my pooch.

We’d frolic, and gambol. We’d hike, run, and walk He’d act all mischievous. I wished he could talk.

I’d clip his toenails, and rub his ticklish belly.

I’d buy him some meat from the neighborhood deli.

I gave him a home, he generously gave me his heart.

I thought about him constantly and hoped we’d never part. I’d tell him Sit, Stay. Good boy! But he was really the boss. He died at 16. It’ll take even longer till I get over my loss.

Marcus died of old age, he was my favorite canine.

He got more awesome every day. Just like a fine wine.

Don’t forget...always keep an eye on those we regard so highly. There’s a reason the Roadrunner’s rival was named Wile E. Every day, I’m going to thank the Lord above, In Marcus the Wondermutt, I’d finally known true love.

—Jon Michaels Mutual 1

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