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GRF launches upgraded resident portal; training sessions available

GRF launches upgraded resident portal; training sessions available GRF launches upgraded resident portal; training sessions available


Last year, the Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) implemented a new electronic management system called CINC, which included a resident portal to give registered Leisure World residents access to their Mutual accounts for payment processing and other information. The portal has now been expanded to allow access to GRF accounts and important GRF documents, including:

• policies.

• meeting agendas and minutes.

• financial reports. The GRF Board voted to restrict access to this information to GRF members only. Private community documents have now been removed from the public website and are now available through the GRF Resident Portal, which will protect data and decrease liability.

Residents can register for the GRF portal by logging in to their Mutual Resident Portal and following the instructions included in a letter that was mailed this week. The letter contains instructions and a GRF account number.

Once residents register for the GRF Resident Portal, they will have two accounts—one for their Mutual and one for the GRF. People can switch between the two accounts depending on their personal needs.

Note: When registering for the GRF Resident Portal, people will be asked to “register an additional property” with another number; this is referring to the second account, not a second residence.

In addition to payment processing, the GRF Resident Portal has other helpful features, such as account histories and a direct link to the GRF. Depending on the Mutual, residents may also be able to view their Mutuals’ governing documents and review the status of work orders and permits. The GRF wants to help everyone take advantage of this new system. For registration assistance or questions about the resident portal, contact the GRF Client Services Team at 562-431-6586 or

Live training sessions will be held in the Learning Center located in Clubhouse 3 as follows:

• Wednesday, May 29, 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

• Thursday, May 30, 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and 2 p.m.

• Wednesday, June 5, 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and 2 p.m.

• Thursday, June 6, 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

Spaces are limited in each session to 30 spots. Residents may RSVP in advance by calling 562-431-6586 or sending an email to

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