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City and Lions Club partner to beautify local park

City and Lions  Club partner to beautify local park City and Lions  Club partner to beautify local park


The City of Seal Beach has partnered with the Lions Club and local volunteers to beautify the River’s End Park.

With their unwavering dedication and green thumbs, they’ve embarked on a mission to weed out evasive and unwanted weeds, making way for vibrant California native plants to flourish.

The group is headed by Lions Club member Rheo McColl, who volunteers for Los Cerritos Wetlands and Bolsa Chica Reserve Wetlands. She has trained through California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) biologists at Bolsa Chica Reserve to build a healthy coastal habitat.

She also trained for the Bolsa Chica Reserve Watch organized by CDFW Environmental Scientist-Reserve Manager Melissa Borde.

McColl has an eye for native landscape and the experience and knowledge to spearhead the team to make return the park to a natural, coastal environment.

The Seal Beach Lions Club has been serving the local area since 1939 and is the biggest Lions Club in California.

—City of Seal Beach

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