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America First Republican Club

During this coming election season, the Leisure World America First Republican Club will focus on local races where its impact will be the most effective.

The club booth, located near Clubhouse 6, will be open on Monday, June 3 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. At the booth, residents can sign the Protect Kids of CA petition, register to vote, change their party affiliation, or enjoy pleasant conversation.

The Protect Kids of CA proposition, if passed, would not allow people who claim to be transgender to enter bathrooms or compete in sports that are opposite of their gender at birth. It would also require schools to get parental permission to refer students for gender-altering medical care or hormone therapy.

Monthly meetings are held in Clubhouse 3, Room 2 on the third Wednesday of each month at 5 p.m. for socializing and refreshments. The program will begin at 5:30.

The LW Republican Club believes in:

• Legal immigration and secure borders.

• Peace through strength.

• Lower taxes.

• Cutting government spending.

• Free enterprise capitalism.

• Family values.

• Pro-life.

• Parental control of education.

• Public safety through well-funded law-enforcement.

• An America first foreign policy.

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