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Singers celebrate a festive Cinco de Mayo with music

Singers celebrate a festive Cinco de Mayo with music Singers celebrate a festive Cinco de Mayo with music


Karaoke singers celebrated Cinco de Mayo at karaoke night on May 1. Spanish songs like “Quando Quando” by Mila Cruz, “Mexico” by Elizabeth Butterfield and “South of the Border” by Ellen Brannigan continued the mood during the busy evening. Joe and Orelia Osuna enjoyed the variety of music and friendship as they feasted on delicious barbecue sandwiches. Local singing teacher Carl Bourhenne was in the audience appreciating the talent performing. It was fun to see joyous folks dancing in the aisles to the beat of some peppy songs.

People are invited to forget their cares and woes each Wednesday evening in Clubhouse 1 for several hours beginning at 5:30. Audience members are happy people making new friends. Some singers show flair and style while others just have a very good time singing a happy tune. All are welcome.

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