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LWer will demonstrate figure drawing

LWer will demonstrate figure drawing LWer will demonstrate figure drawing

The Leisure World Art League will meet Tuesday, May 14, in Clubhouse 4 at 7 p.m. The guest demonstration artist will be LW resident and Art League Secretary Carmen Leslie. Leslie is an art teacher and has been conducting workshop classes in the Art Room of Clubhouse 4 on Thursdays from 9:30 a.m.12:30 p.m She teaches and demonstrates portrait painting with a live model in the workshop classes.

Leslie came to California as a youngster and grew up in Long Beach. She had a love for painting all of her life. She was owner operator of Brush n’ Palette in Bellflower through the ‘70s while painting, teaching and raising her three children with her husband, Dale.

In the ‘80s, with children grown, she relocated to northern Nevada, again teaching and painting for the Brewery Art Center in Carson City, Catholic Schools in Reno, and the Nevada Art Association. Some of her favorite memories are of teaching at St. Mary’s Art Center, where she spent 10 years on its board of directors.

Leslie returned to Southern California in 2001 and settled into life in Leisure World with brush and pastels in hand. She began teaching and painting for the Art League and has been active here ever since. She is also a member of the Huntington Beach Art League and many art groups.

She recently found a letter from the Leisure World Art League dated 1979, thanking her for a painting demonstration in June of that year. A recent demonstration for that same group shows that she still has more to share and is not ready to put down her brushes anytime soon.

Leslie will demonstrate pastel painting focusing on figure drawing and composition, which is very rarely demonstrated in the meetings. The popular vote theme for this meeting is “flowers.” People with art entries for the competition should arrive early. Judging will start at 6:30 p.m. Those who do not want to enter the competition can also bring paintings for display only.

The meeting/demo is open to everyone, but the competition is only for active members of the Art League. LW residents can join the Art League at the meeting. Membership dues are $20 per year. There is no fee to enter in the art competition. For more information, call Marion Higgins at 562-296-8328.

—Larry Sioson

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