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Learn how to prepare for a power outage

Learn how to prepare for a power outage Learn how to prepare for a power outage


The LW Community Emergency Response Team (LW CERT) will meet on Friday, May 24, at 9 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9, for a safety class on preparing for a power outage and learning how to safely turn power off and on. LW CERT’s free monthly safety classes are 45 minutes long, and all residents are welcome to join. Refreshments are provided.

Each month CERT gives a valuable gift to an attendee. During April’s class, Dennis Noethens won the drawing for a water bottle.

At the April LW CERT safety class, President Catherine O’Brien distributed assessment tools to determine personality types. Understanding the different types can help people recognize and appreciate individual gifts, talents and contributions to a team. Assigning a person the right job to perform for their personality type ensures success for any group whether it’s in business, a club or even within a family.

LW CERT President Catherine O'Brien (l-r) with Dennis Noethens and Karen Olson.

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