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Sunshine Club

Sunshine Club Sunshine Club

Living a healthy life is the topic of Tina Matinpour’s presentation at the Sunshine Club on Friday, May 3, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 10 a.m.

Matinpour is the founder of the Health is Wealth community, where living a healthy, abundant life is the new normal. She worked alongside the medical field for the past decade as a chief officer of operations and compliance for a medical practice in Southern California.

Matinpour spends her time researching and understanding the mind and body. She is a quantum healing hypnosis (QHHT) practitioner and assists her clients in discovering why they have certain “blocks” and removing them. She has transformed many people’s lives and is always excited to do more.

For Matinpour, a “healthy life” applies to all areas of life: relationships, self-love, awareness, social dynamics, work, family, etc.

Most people are not aware of how critical their mindset and thinking patterns are to living a healthy lifestyle. It is far more important than dieting and going to the gym.

“Unhealthy patterns are running people’s lives unconsciously” Matinpour says. “This becomes a circular pattern with no way out. Once a person becomes aware of these behaviors, then they have the power to make a different choice consciously” Her educational lectures and workshops are designed to broaden one’s mind. These lectures and workshops are called “You Are It.” Matinpour dives deep into mindset and how to attain it. Tina always says, “we’re not victims but victors in life.” Each of the discussions are geared toward the understanding that healthy living is a choice that people make every day, all day long.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at (562) 301-5339.

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