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Recap of Board Activity, April 23

Approved Consent Agenda:

MOVED and approved as amended the minutes of the GRF Board of Directors March 26, 2024; Accept the Reserve Funds Investment Purchase; Approve Cost for the Reserve Study; Ratify Tentative Vote: Amend10-2000-2, Consolidated Fee Schedule; Amend 70-14871B Recreational Vehicle Lot (RVL) – Rules and Regulations; Rescind 37-1487.02-1 Recreational Vehicle Lot (RVL)—Vehicle Maintenance; and Rescind 37-1449-1 California COVID Action Levels.

Accept the Interim Financial Statements for February 2024 for Audit: MOVED to bring the corrected financial statements for February 2024 for Audit to the next meeting, May 28, 2024.

Approve Transfers of Funds for GRF per Civil Code 5502: MOVED to bring the corrected transfers of Funds for GRF per Civil Code 5502 for April to the next meeting, May 28, 2024.

Ratify Tentative Vote: Amend 37-1447-1, Community Gardens-Rules: MOVED to ratify 70-1447-1, Community Gardens-Rules renumbering it 37-1447-1.

Capital Funding—Additional Speed Cushions in Four Locations: MOVED to award MJ Jurado Inc. a contract for $32,382 in Capital Funding to install speed cushions at El Dorado, Golden Rain, Saint Andrews, and Thunderbird and authorize the President to sign the contract.

Reserve Funding—Evaluate and Design the Security Camera System: MOVED to approve Castle Defense’s performance of a site survey and provision of a design for replacing the camera system at a cost of $11,800 Reserve Funding and authorize the President to sign the contract.

Governing Documents— Amend 14-5506-3, Request for Proposal: MOVED to amend 14-5506-3, Request for Proposal Requirements, reformatting information throughout.

Governing Documents— Amend 13-5092-1, Code of Ethics: FAILED to amend 13-5092-1, Code of Ethics, changing language throughout.

Governing Documents-Amend 13-5092-3, GRF Directors Censure Process: MOVED to amend 13-5092-3, GRF Directors Censure Process, with language change throughout.

Governing Documents-Amend 14-5540-1, Contingency Operating Fund: MOVED to amend 14-5540-1, Contingency Operating Fund, modifying language throughout.

Governing Documents-Final Vote: Amend 48-1937-1, Parking Rules: This policy has been removed and sent back to the Operations Committee for further review.

Governing Documents— Tentative Vote: Amend 135093-1, Authorized Rules of Conduct—Rules: MOVED to amend 13-5093-1, Authorized Resident Rules of Conduct, Rules, changing its title to Code of Conduct, Rules, and return the rule to the Board’s May 28, 2024, meeting to be considered for final ratification after the Members’ 28-day comment period.

General—Accept Mutual One GRF Resignation and Appoint New Member: MOVED to accept the resignation of GRF Mutual One representative Daniel Weber and appoint Mutual One shareholder Stephen Hendrickson to immediately fill the GRF Director’s vacancy representing the Mutual for the remaining portion of the 202325 term.

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