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LW Korean Community Church

LW Korean   Community Church LW Korean   Community Church

Jesus said to Thomas in John 20:27-31: “Put your finger here on my hand. Reach out and place your hand next to the side.”

Pastor Jang Young Yong’s began his sermon how becoming a believer rather than a non-believer at LW Korean Community Church (LWKCC) Jesus said to Thomas. “Do you see me and believe? Blessed is the one who believes in me without seeing me.”

Mary Magdalene, who remembered that Jesus had said that he would be resurrected four days after death, was waiting. In the midst of her waiting and the pain of her heart, the Holy Spirit of promise came upon her. She was given the grace to meet her resurrected Jesus, who gave her hope and joy.

Thomas was more interested in what was visible. Jesus appeared to his beloved disciple Thomas and told him to look at me and believe.

After the service, Elder Chang-Kwon Lee celebrated his 80th birthday with the church.

Lee immigrated to the United States in 1973 and graduated from USC’s Department of Economics. After graduating, he worked for companies such as Ross and then established a financial company.

He performed community service as an advisory member of the Korean Peninsula Peace and Unification Committee. Lee also established the Southern California Korean Language School and served as its chairman, working hard to educate the second generation of Koreans.

Lee moved to Leisure World in 2017, and serves the church as choir director. Lee says he is satisfied with his life and now confesses that everything has happened by the grace of God.

Senior Pastor Jang Young Young (l), Elder Chang-Kwon Lee (center) and his family celebrated Lee's 80th birthday.

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