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LW America First Republican Club

By David Harlow and Brian Harmon

LW contributors

The LW American First Republican Club set up a booth in Clubhouse 3, Room 3, along with the Democratic Club and Seniors for Peace Club during the Great LW Discovery Tour on April 6. All three clubs got along together, sharing coffee and brownies. The Democratic Club gave booth volunteers one of the wine glasses that it was handing out to visitors. People found it humorous that the clubs were in the same small room together. All three clubs got along very well and this made the day much more enjoyable.

The club will meet on Wednesday, May 15, in Clubhouse 2 at 6 p.m. to watch an inspirational video called “Indescribable.” The club normally meets on the third Wednesday of each month in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 5 p.m. for socializing, and 5:30 for the speaker.

The club booth near Clubhouse 6 will be open the first Monday of the month from 11 a.m. -2 p.m. Residents can sign the Protect Kids of California, register to vote, change their party affiliation, or enjoy pleasant conversation.

The LW Republican Club believes in:

•Legal immigration and secure borders.

• Peace through strength.

• Lower taxes.

•Cutting government spending.

• Free enterprise capitalism.

• Family values

• Pro-life

• Parental control of education.

• Public safety through wellfunded law-enforcement.

• An America first foreign policy.

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