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LW Baptist Church

LW Baptist congregation composed a blessing for the LW community: “Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful place to live—the best place. Thank you for the people of this community— friendly, peaceful, caring, accepting, professional, helpful. We bless our community with leadership that has wisdom to address the matters of concern. We bless the front gate personnel especially with protection, safety and patience. They are the front line of LW. We bless the community with people who are willing to serve on the Board with wisdom as they make important decisions which affect us all. Thank you, Lord, for the many kinds of people who live here. It is a small taste of heaven, where every tribe, tongue and nation are of one mind, worshiping you around the throne. Make us ministers of grace here at LW. Continue to strengthen us and grow us as a family of faith. Amen.”

LW Baptist meets for worship on Sundays at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 4.

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