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Digitize important documents with the EIC on Monday, April 29

Digitize important documents with the EIC on Monday, April 29 Digitize important documents with the EIC on Monday, April 29

The Emergency Information Council (EIC) will hold its second free vital document scanning event on Monday, April 29, from 1:30-3 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 4.

The Emergency Information Council’s second scanning event will help residents scan vital documents on to a flash drive. Scanning documents like member and stock certificates, wills, passports, and other important documents can be helpful after a disaster when paper documents may have been lost, damaged or unavailable. Digitized documents kept in an emergency go bag can help a resident prove identity and make recovery much quicker.

The flash drive is free and small enough to fit into any emergency go bag. A copier will be available to scan important cards and odd-sized materials. The event will limit documents to 20 pages to ensure all who want the service will be helped.

The EIC will also hand out a waterproof canister to keep the drive safe and a fireproof bag to store those important document originals.

For more information, contact President Jackie Dunagan at or 562-431-7479.

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