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Community Church

Community Church Community Church

Year round, Community Church accepts donations of food and personal items for those in need. LWers are encouraged to share the love and join Community Church in helping others.

The church regularly has first time worshippers each week, and invites those who are new to attend Community Church’s fourth Sunday of Easter service on April 22 and see what “the Friendly Church” is about.

There is perhaps no better symbol of the resurrection than butterflies. Caterpillars form a cocoon—a cave-like tomb—and within the cocoon they undergo transformation from caterpillars into butterflies. This Sunday, Community Church will continue its walk through the book of Acts with a look at Acts 4:5-12.

The church is located at 14000 Church Place. Sunday Worship is at 9:50 a.m., followed by a time fellowship and light refreshment. Come early for a cup of coffee in the narthex. Services are also available on Facebook or Zoom; contact the church office for a Zoom link.

Church members (l-r) Virginia Olejnik, Joyce Reed and Mara Williams collecting donated food.

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