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Triumph over technology

Triumph over technology Triumph over technology


The Sunshine Club will sponsor a free workshop featuring Leisure World’s longtime technology experts, Tina Schaffer of Computer Images Plus and Jeff Plum Jeff Plum Computer Services on Friday, April 12, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 10 a.m.

This user-friendly workshop is for anyone who wants to understand simple and easy ways to navigate through the often confusing world of screens and functions of home computers. People will leave with helpful handouts and rewarding insights from the war stories and phish tales that have befallen others.

During the class, Schaffer and Plum will go over:

• The responsibilities of a digital executor.

• What happens to digital accounts after someone dies.

• The difference between having email accounts, Facebook, banking and family photos on a computer or on the Cloud.

• Bitcoin and other crypto currencies.

The two computer-savvy speakers will also go over current scams and how LWers can protect themselves against them.

The speakers will set aside time to answer questions about issues members are having with their digital lives after the presentation.

All residents are welcome to join this meeting. The Sunshine Club requires no membership fees, but donations are welcome.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at 562-301-- 5339.

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