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Reduce the risk of cognitive decline through dancing

Reduce the risk of cognitive decline through dancing Reduce the risk of cognitive decline through dancing


Joyful Line Dance Club meets on Thursdays from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 2. The first half hour is for beginners and intermediate dancers. After a brief break, the students practice more advanced dances.

The club encourages both men and women to come out and dance. Line dancing is a great exercise for improving coordination, balance and brain health. It may also delay Alzheimer’s, dementia and prevent depression.

“The great thing about line dancing is that you can do it at any age. Bring your body and your mind will follow,” said President Anna Derby.

To register, new members are asked to make a donation to the club that will be counted as a membership fee. Athletic or dancing shoes are required.

For more information, text 562-301-5339.

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