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Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

All LW Democrats and supporters are welcome to attend the club’s Voter Education Session on Wednesday, April 17, in Clubhouse 3, Room 3 at 1 p.m. This session will address the history of fascism. Advance registrations are encouraged but not required. Ccall 562-412-0898 or email

People are reminded that the monthly voter education sessions have been relaunched as a component of the LW Democratic Club’s efforts to help potential voters better understand the importance of voting in down-ballot races.

The club’s monthly membership meetings on the fourth Wednesday of every month will continue to feature in-depth discussions concerning the candidates and issues that will be on November ballots.

State Sen. Dave Min, who is running to replace Rep. Katie Porter as LW’s District 47 representative in the U.S. House of Representatives, will join the April 24 meeting by Zoom.

In order to have time to socialize with one another before the club meeting, members are invited to bring their own bag lunch and arrive as early as 12:45 p.m. for the 1:30 meeting. Coffee, water and individually wrapped snacks will be available. Leisure World Democrats and supporters interested in learning more about the club are also invited to attend, either in person or by Zoom. For login information, email lwsbdemocraticclub@ gmail. com.

This information will also be available in the club’s April 15 electronic newsletter.

The Leisure World Democratic Club believes health care is a right, diversity is a strength, the economy should work for everyone, and that facts and truth matter.

Everything appearing in the weekly articles and semimonthly electronic newsletters has been fact checked to the fullest extent possible.

Democrats and supporters can subscribe to the club’s newsletter by emailing mlarson. or calling editor Mary Larson at 562-2968521. Include complete contact information: name, address, phone number and email.

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