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Congregation Sholom

Congregation Sholom will hold services via Zoom with Rabbi Karen Isenberg on Friday, April 12, at 6:30 p.m. An oneg will follow services. Rabbi Mike Mymon will lead services on Saturday, April 13, in Clubhouse 3, Room 9, and via Zoom at 10 a.m. Saturday’s Torah reading will be Tazria from the book of Leviticus. Tazria (She Bears Seed) opens by describing the purification process for a woman after childbirth. It then describes different forms of tzaraat, a discoloration condition on skin or clothing, and the requirement of an infected person to dwell alone outside the camp and be inspected by a priest.

To receive a Zoom invitation contact Jeff Sacks at 714-642-0122. Congregation Sholom has served Leisure World since 1962. It offers a traditional Jewish service in person and online.

Those who want to become a member of Congregation Sholom should call Howard Brass at 714-396-0121 for a membership packet.

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