LW resident wins college textbook writing honor

A university textbook written by GRF Vice President William Thompson was named the Most Promising New Textbook for colleges and universities by the Textbook and Academic Authors Association (TAA).
The book, “Writing for Public Relations and Strategic Communications,” was evaluated by the association during its annual recognition of firstedition books written for university classrooms.
Thompson’s text, which is already in use at major U.S. universities, was proposed for the award because of its theory-based writing instruction, student-accessible prose and innovative teaching components. It competed with other university texts in a judging panel’s evaluation of scholarship, pedagogy and writing style.
Thompson finished the book after moving to Leisure World. Before that, Thompson headed the largest organization of public relations professors, consulted with organizations throughout the nation and became a highly honored professor during his 23-year career at the University of Louisville.
Many of Thompson’s students now occupy high-level corporate positions as senior communications leaders and administrators at such firms as Sony, Humana, KFC, Res-Care, the Cleveland Browns, and Papa Johns. His book’s co-author, Indiana University professor Nicholas Browning, was also one of his undergraduate students.
Thompson and Browning will be recognized at TAA’s annual book award presentation in April.
Thompson can be reached at 502-802-7980 or wethom01@louisville.edu.