37-1406-1, Limitations on Use of ….
37-1406-1, Limitations on Use of Trust Property.
Governing Documents— Amend 13-5092-1, Code of Ethics: FAILED to amend 135092-1, Code of Ethics, changing language throughout. This policy will be taken back to the Administration Committee for further review.
Governing Documents— Tentative Vote: Amend 48-1937-1, Parking Rules: MOVED to amend 48-19371, Parking Rules as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on April 23, 2024.
Governing Documents— Tentative Vote: Amend 102000-2, Consolidated Fee Schedule: MOVED to amend 10-2000-2, adding fees for leasing garden plots, pending a 28-day notification to the members and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on April 23, 2024.
Governing Documents— Tentative Vote: Amend 371447-1, Community Gardens-Rules: MOVED to amend 37-1447-1 Community Gardens- Rules, renumbering it as 37-1447-1, pending a 28-day notification to the members and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on April 23, 2024.
Governing Documents— Tentative Vote: Amend 135093-1, Authorized Resident Rules of Conduct-Rules: After discussion, the Board concurred to return this policy for further review at the April Board executive meeting.
Governing Documents— Rescind 37-1429.02-1, Golf Course Rules: MOVED to rescind 70-1487-1, Recreational Vehicle Lot (RVL), Rules & Regulations.
Governing Documents— Rescind 37-1487-1, Recreational Vehicle Lot (RVL)— Rules and Regulations: MOVED to rescind 37-14871, Recreational Vehicle Lot (RVL)—Rules and Regulations.