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LW Women’s Golf Club

LW Women’s Golf Club LW Women’s Golf Club

March 19 was low gross, low net and putts day for the Women’s Golf Club. Putts day means fewest putts for the nine holes.

A flight winners: Janice Turner, 25, low gross; Ann Tran, Hae Lee, Veronica Chang and Soo Choi, 26, low net; Janice Turner, 10, fewest putts.

B flight winners: Judy Kim, 28, low gross; Sang An and Marilyn Hewitt, low net; Zoe Pickell, 10, fewest putts.

C flight winners: Euillia Kim, 32, low gross; Jane Kors, Pam Crug and Kay Hong, 25, low net; Euillia Kim, 9, fewest putts.

D flight winners: Neva Senske and Elizabeth Butterfield, 39, low gross; Mary Devin, 28, low net; Mary Devin and Dale Quinn, 13, fewest putts.

—Linda Herman

Neva Senske, one of LW Women's Golf Club's "senior" members. There's always a smile on her face.

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