LW Baptist
“Christ is risen” is Sunday morning’s greeting, and “He is risen indeed” is the rejoinder spoken and heard all over the world on March 31, including in Clubhouse 4, where LW Baptist Church will celebrate Easter at 10 a.m.
Jesus Christ was crucified in weakness, but lives by the power of God. He rose not with a resuscitated mortal body subject to die again, but with immortality. Raised from the dead, Christ cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him.
He died and rose not in a private capacity, but for his people. Jesus promised, “Because I live you shall live also.”
The Bible calls Jesus the first fruits of those who are asleep. The Passover barley sheaf was cut down and waved on the day after the Sabbath, representing the beginning of a great harvest yet to come. That is the Gospel: Christ died for all sins as the Scriptures foretold and was buried and raised on the third day. The Apostle Paul says the Corinthians’ changed lives testify to Jesus Christ’s resurrection, just as Paul’s and countless other lives do yet today.
For more information, call 562-430-8598.