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Letters to the Editor


Before I get to the reason I’m writing, I’d like to make Karla Lolkus’ point (Feb. 29) direct.

You cannot assess your way out of inflation or recession. It only stresses the shareholders and eventually will lead to delinquent dues. You have to do what all responsible cities and communities do: maintain essential service and shelve non-emergency expenditures.

I have lived in LW for about nine years. During this time, I have noticed the board/management company have drifted away from what the shareholders want or deem important. A simple solution would be a survey asking the shareholders their thoughts on the overall running of LWSB. The survey doesn’t need to have thousands of dollars spent on it. A single page in the LW Weekly would give the general sense of how the shareholders feel. A general survey every 6-7 years would be a useful tool in running LWSB.

Rick Johnson Mutual 4 Editor:

Out of curiosity, my question is why doesn’t Leisure World have a beauty and nail salon for men and women?

I moved to Leisure World in 2020 from Belmont Shore after 32 years.

It would probably be one of the best things that Leisure World offered.

That’s why I’m writing this, because I’m pretty much wheelchair-bound and working with two physical therapists every week trying regain mobility.

It would be great to have salons that are close and wheelchair friendly.

Linda Marmion Mutual 15

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