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California Retired Teachers’ Association

California Retired Teachers’ Association California Retired Teachers’ Association

LW’s Retired Teachers Association will host California Retired Teachers’ Association State President Susan Dixon on Friday, April 5, at 11:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9.

Dixon is the president of the California Retired Teachers’ Association. She taught in Capistrano Unified School District in Southern California for 35 years. Dixon was state government relations chair for seven years and has been active at the state and federal level fighting for the repeal of the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), Government Pension Offset (GPO) and other legislation that protects educators’ retirement security. She works with other retiree organizations in California, CalSTRS, and is the vice-chair of the National WEP/GPO Repeal Task Force. As president, she focuses on ensuring members receive a consistent message of CalRTA’s shared vision that promotes advocacy, membership recruitment, and the REACH and diversity sub-committees.

Dixon will speak on CalRTA’s focus on a unified message, the importance of membership matters campaign, updates on federal and state legislation, the current status of WEP/GPO Repeal, state legislation and the opposing initiate.

Complimentary lunch reservations may be made by calling Anne Stone at 714-600-6956.

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