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Tournament Poker Club

Tournament Poker Club Tournament Poker Club

Those who would like to playafunandfriendlygameof Texas Hold ‘Em for a $5 buy-in can play with the Tournament Poker Club Saturday, March 16. Registration begins at 10 a.m., along with treats and coffee. Cards are in the air at 10:30. There is no late seating. Regular tournaments are the first three Saturdays of every month in the lobby of Clubhouse 6. On a rainy March 2, the club welcomed back 40 members for the first tournament of the month. As the winners of their original tables, the final table players were: Doug Wolfe, first place; Jeff Rolnick, second; Shelley Yu, third; Ken Goettsch, fourth; and Marvin Rolnick, fifth. At the final table Wolfe and Rolnick were head’s up. The flop came 9-J-2 and holding 9-K, Wolfe went all in and was called by Rolnick holding A-K. The turn was a nine, which gave Wolfe triple nines, the river card was a 5, giving Wolfe the winning hand with three nines and a J-2.

Wolfe has lived in Leisure World for nine years and been a member of the poker club for seven years. This was his fourth final table win at a regular tournament. In addition to tournament poker, Wolfe enjoys pickleball here in Leisure World and also plays baseball.

—Deborah Barner

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