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The difference between the GAF and GRF

The difference between the GAF and GRF The difference between the GAF and GRF

By Anna Derby

GAF President

Although the Golden Age Foundation (GAF) and the Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) are often confused, they are two completely separate organizations.

The GRF is the nonprofit corporation that manages the shared property of Leisure World. This corporation has employees, an executive director, and a board of directors that sit on committees.

Every resident of Leisure World is a member of the Golden Rain Foundation, also called shareholders. The GRF is funded by a portion of your monthly carrying charge.

The Golden Age Foundation on the other hand is completely different. Legally speaking, it is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization with a small board of directors. Every person in the organization is a volunteer, with no paid staff.

The GAF’s mission is to make the community a better place to live. Its funding is dependent on contributions like shareholders or organizations from the community. When the GAF receives a large bequest, it usually is designated for a specific project.

The next time you are at the gym, take a look at the plaque on the wall next to the elevator. The gym equipment was mostly provided in 2013 by a bequest from Jack Schiffiler through the GAF. Because we don’t have employees, we work hand in hand with the Golden Rain Foundation, who pays the staff at the gym.

Programs like the Hospitality Center in Clubhouse 6, the tax preparation program, paper shredding program, battery recycling program and the mobility aids program are all examples of our efforts. All of these programs are provided to residents free of charge, with the Golden Age Foundation picking up the tab.

The GAF is always looking for donations, both big and small. If you’re making out your will or trust and want to help make Leisure World a better place, please remember us. The GAF appreciates every single donation.

The GAF invites residents to consider becoming a member and helping make life in Leisure World better. Nothing happens in the GAF organization without the dedication and efforts of volunteers. They are the heart and soul of the Golden Age Foundation.

The Golden Age Foundation’s Tax ID is 23-7273105, and can be reached at P.O. Box 2369, Seal Beach, CA 90740.

For more information, go to or leave message at 562-431-9589.

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