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Men’s Golf League

The Leisure World Men’s Golf League competed at the David L. Baker Golf Club in Fountain Valley on March 1 on a wet and very green course. It was a sunny, windless morning with temps in the mid-50s at the 7 a.m. tee time.

Baker is an executive golf course, meaning more par 3s than par 4s and no par 5s. This makes for a faster round and generally lower scores as driving distance is not an issue due to the considerably shorter holes. At 4,000 yards and par-62, seven of the 11 players shot net par or better.

Closest to the pins on the 110-yard par-3 third hole was Clay Fischer and Chris Lankford was closest on the uphill 130-yard par-3 12th hole. Dave LaCascia and Fischer tied for fewest putts for the A flight and Bill McKusky had fewest in the B. Four birdies were carded— one each by LaCascia, Fischer, Gary Stivers, and Lankford.

A flight winners (handicaps of 0-19): Fujio Norihiro, 6 under 56, first place; tie between Fischer and Sam Choi, 5 under 57, second; tie between La-Cascia and Stivers, 4 under 58, third; tie between Jim Goltra and Lankford, fourth.

B flight winners (handicaps over 19): Lowell Goltra, 3 under 59, first place; Bob Munn, even par 62, second; Steve Miller, third; McKusky, fourth.

The league played the Santa Ana Willowick Golf Course on March 4. Twelve golfers confronted a wet course on a cool, but sunny morning. At tee time, the skies were blue with some clouds and a freshening wind. Temps eventually got into the low 60s but the breeze made it seem much cooler.

Willowick is a 6,000-yard par-71 course and is the oldest golf club in Orange County. The course is under new management and is being better maintained than in previous years. Greens have been in good condition for quite a while, but the tee boxes now need some renovation.

Closest to the pin on the 140-yard par-3 fourth hole was Fujio Norihiro. Jim Goltra had fewest putts in the A flight. Bill McKusky and Tom Ross tied for fewest in the B. Chris Lankford carded the lone birdie for the round. The wind and the course length led to only two of the 12 rounds being under net par.

A flight winners (handicaps of 0-19): Stivers, 1 under 70, first place; tie between Jim Goltra and LaCascia, second; Lankford, third; tie between Norihiro and Choi, fourth.

B flight winners (handicaps over 19): Ross, 6 under 65, first place; McKusky, second; Daniel Mahoney, third; tie between Fischer and Lowell Goltra, fourth; Bob Munn, fifth.

The Monday and Friday golf leagues play at four local courses, all within 15-20 minutes of Leisure World. These courses are always quite full, so advance league reservations are required with a sign-up sheet available at each round.

There is a prize pool for each round that players are not obligated to enter. Rewards are given for low net in each flight, birdies, closest to the pin on two par threes, and for the lowest number of putts in each flight. Holes-in-one and eagles (2 under par), although infrequent, are generously rewarded. Those interested in playing can contact Gary Stivers at 714-313-3697 or Dave LaCascia at 801-6745975.

—Dave LaCascia

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