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Letters to Editor


People living outside Leisure World already know about the need for protection from RFID thievery. The LW Weekly reports regarding obtaining RFID tagsstressedonlythat residents would have easy access to streets leading to their apartments.

Failing to note the possibility of thievery, the Weekly also failed to note what will happen to residents whose current resident ID cards will expire after Jan. 2, 2024.

Will those residents who choose to use their LW ID cards rather than RFID tags to enter LW be refused entry?

I am sure if you truthfully address these two problems, many people will thank you. I know I will. D. Schlipp Mutual 12 Editor’s note: RFID thievery is primarily associated with criminals scanning unprotected credit cards.

Leisure World’s RFID tags are used to verify residents’ membership in LW. Residents will always be able to enter the community with a valid LW identification card. Members are expected to keep ID cards current. People who need help renewing expiring ID cards may contact Stock Transfer at 562-431-6586, ext. 2313, for more information. Editor: LW will soon become the coyote sanctuary of Seal Beach. I have followed, with interest, reports of coyote sightings in the LW Weekly, on the LW website and on a Facebook page for LW residents. There seems to be one united opinion shared by everyone; “We don’t feel safe going out, day or night, to take our dogs for a walk.”

Some have reported their beloved pet being snatched off leash by a coyote. I have seen the fur and entrails of an animal left behind by a coyote. Several others have reported a coyote “stalking” them while out and about. I have personally seen a pair running together on several occasions, which is very unsettling. I can’t help but think about those of us who have small grandchildren visit. If these wild animals start hunting in pairs, who’s to say that they wouldn’t snatch up a small child?

Something has got to be done to rid LW of the coyote population. Some residents may argue that coyotes were here first and we encroached into their territory. I say LW residents should have their safety and feelings of safety as the top priority of the GRF. I know one of the areas the coyotes enter LW is through the main drainage channel down Golden Rain Road.

A solution to that might be to place a mesh/metal covering over the opening.

On another note, no resident should be feeding the squirrels or bunnies. They may be cute, but they are still wild animals. The people that leave food and water out for them are only fattening them up to entice the coyotes to come in and hunt and feed. A possible deterrent to stop residents who do this might be to issue them a warning, violation and/or a citation. Please, keep us all safe.

Sally Steenbergen Mutual 1 Editor:

Regarding your article on parking and ensuing fines for violations, I believe some changes need to be made to the imposed parking restrictions. The restrictions do not allow for a household with two vehicles when both members may take a vacation that will definitely exceed the parking restriction time limits.

My partner and I will be taking a weeklong vacation in November.

So one car goes in the carport while the other car gets ticketed, and I pay a fine. That’s a wonderful introduction to a fairly new resident.

I spoke to the Security watch commander who said that the Clubhouse 4 parking lot was used at one time for extended parking but that is no longer the case.

Are there any other draconian restrictions that I should be aware of while I’m wondering if I made a mistake to buy in Leisure World?

It would seem to me that a less severe rule would be to issue a parking pass to be displayed in the windshield for longer parking in the same spot or in a parking lot.

Paul Iorio Mutual 9 Editor:

We want to publicly thank the Golden Age Foundation and all its volunteers for providing free help completing our income tax form. The experience was a pleasant one and best of all, our form was completed by a retired IRS employee. After it was completed, another retired employee reviewed it and discovered a minor mistake, which did not affect the result and was immediately corrected.

This is a great service to our residents, which saved us hundreds of dollars in tax preparation fees.

We hope all our neighbors take advantage of it. To make an appointment, call 562-596-1987 and leave a name and phone number. A volunteer will call you back to make an appointment. More information is in the Feb. 22 newspaper on page 15.

Barry and Deidra Lukoff Mutual 14 Editor:

Scottish Philosopher Alexander Tytler popularized a theory as follows: “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury.”

Joe Biden recently “forgave” $1.2 billion in student loans. Of course, there is no such thing as forgiving student loans. No, he unilaterally (against a SCOTUS ruling that he didn’t have the authority) waived student borrowers’ obligations to repay these loans and instead added these liabilities on to the backs of the American taxpayer.

Increasingly, bereft of ideas, and losing constituencies that have been loyal to the party despite generational declines, Democrats have resorted to the blatant, naked “buying of votes.”

Seniors, students, single inner-city parents, the everexpanding homeless population, rent-subsidies, energy subsidies, food subsidies, prescription drug subsidies, reparations, tax-funded “guaranteed income” programs, public employee unions, and now their new future “voting bloc”—illegal aliens.

To paraphrase an old legal axiom, when you have good ideas, pound the ideas. When you don’t have good ideas, make your constituencies increasingly dependent on the benevolence of government largess.

Want more voters? Easy-peasy, just push more and more of the citizenry into government dependency.

By the way, point of note— we add $1 trillion to the federal deficit every 100 days.

Mr. Tytler ends his treatise with this: “democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by dictatorship.” It’s been a good run.

Earick Ward Mutual 7

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