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Clubhouse 1 reopens with a fresh coat of paint

Clubhouse 1 reopens with a fresh coat of paint Clubhouse 1 reopens with a fresh coat of paint


Clubhouse 1 has reopened to the community with a fresh coat of interior and exterior paint. The neighboring Courts Building was also repainted and reopened Feb. 29.

In addition to painting, the Courts Building received one last upgrade before shuffleboard league play began. Solar powered attic fans were installed to remove the stifling hot air that in previous years has resulted in no shuffleboard play during the summer months.

This is a case where the relatively moderate cost of the fans will allow the facility to be used during many of the days and months when in the past it was too hot to do so.

“Spectators will also be more comfortable as a result,” Mutual 17 Director Nick Massetti said. “So get out and enjoy the pucks glide and players cheer!”

Clubs that were temporarily relocated during the painting will return to their regular locations. For more information on club meeting times, visit www.

Solar powered attic fans were installed on the roof of the Courts Building.Nick Massetti

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