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Fasting and cooking at home may aid in weight loss

Fasting and cooking at home may aid in weight loss Fasting and cooking at home may aid in weight loss

The Wa-Rite Club meets every Friday from 9-10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Weigh-ins are from 8:15-8:45, and optional for guests. Female LW residents are welcome to visit any of the club’s meetings, and should arrive by 8:45.

The club congratulates Lisa Brass who lost 6 pounds the week ending Feb. 16, and Melinda Lee who earned a top loser title the week ending Feb. 23 with a loss of 4.5 pounds. Brass attributed her success to a healthy homemade vegetable soup, intermittent fasting and keeping a food journal. Lee cut back on portion sizes and did not buy foods that would sabotage her goals. Over the two-week period, the entire club lost a total of 48 pounds.

On Feb. 16, Jan Friedland spoke about popular diets, with the focus on the research-based mediterranean diet and its benefits, and provided a handout summarizing the points.

The club members who attended the Long Beach Memorial Hospital annual Women’s Heart and Stroke Symposium also discussed heart health, how medications can affect screening results, and the importance of regular check-ups to prevent possible life-threatening conditions. The club invites people to mark their calendars for next year’s event on women’s health at Long Beach Memorial, which will be held in February 2025.

The last meeting of the month was led by Vice President Bev Bender. The members shared and discussed everything from the benefits of micro-goals to finding joy in daily lives.

—Denise Stabile

Melinda Lee

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