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Photo Arts Club

Photo Arts Club Photo Arts Club

At the Feb. 8 Photo Arts Club meeting, Ziggy Romano showed photos that had been sent in for the week’s theme, shapes. He commented on the importance of cropping, the possibility of changing the photos to black-and-white, the effect of different filters, enhancement through saturation, and more. He also showed members several examples of interesting hidden messages contained in commercial signs.

President Regine Schumacher announced that the Photo Arts Club will take part in the Great LW Discovery Tour, a huge event in LW planned for April 6, in order to showcase the club. The club plans on displaying photos. Ziggy Romano will take portrait photos of visitors and as a raffle prize he is offering a one-hour formal portrait session.

People who have hangers at home and are not using them are requested to return them to the club.

Les Coombes shared several photos of interest and described his process in creating the photos and the location where they were taken.

The Photo Arts Club will meet Thursday, March 14, at 1:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9.

The assignment is to take nighttime photos with a camera/ iPhone. People should send their three favorite photos to Ben Benjamins at before March 11 to be shown at the meeting. People can also bring photos of their choice to be displayed and to be commented on.

Individuals with technical or other question will be paired with someone who can help them for individual discussion after the meeting. Everyone is welcome. For more information, call Regine Schumacher at 562-430-7978.

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