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GRF Spring Arts & Crafts Festival

The second annual GRF Spring Arts & Crafts Festival will be held on Friday, April 12, and Saturday, April 13, in Clubhouse 2 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

The Arts & Crafts Festival is held for the purpose of encouraging the creative talents of LW members. In 2023, Recreation added a festival in the spring to augment its traditional Fall Arts & Crafts Festival as demand has increased.

While invited to exhibit their products, participants must adhere to guidelines established in Golden Rain Policy 1481; items for sale at the festival must have been made by the shareholder/member. No manufactured articles may be sold.

Each seller must live in Leisure World and must be a GRF member to qualify as an exhibitor of sale items at the festival. People are invited to come and support their fellow residents.

Artisans who wish to participate can sign up at Clubhouse 2 on Wednesday, March 20 from 7-9 a.m. A full table is $10 but may be shared with another participant for $5.

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