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For example, in the span ….

For example, in the span of two months, the radar sign on Canoe Brook Drive recorded 49 vehicles traveling at or above 40 miles per hour, nearly double the community speed limit.

According to Security Director Victor Rocha, speed has been a contributing factor in some of the vehicle collisions inside the community, which have led to injuries of drivers, passengers and pedestrians.

In 2021, speeding fatalities in the United States reached a 14year high. That year, nearly one third of all traffic deaths in the United States were due in some part to speeding, according to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration.

The GRF Board has taken steps to slow down drivers. In addition to the speed radar signs, speed cushions were installed on northbound Del Monte Drive near Sunningdale Road in late December. Unlike speed bumps, speed cushions include wheel cut-outs to allow large vehicles like fire engines to pass unaffected, while reducing passenger car speeds.

Safety isn’t the only dimension to this issue. In a Jan. 11 editorial, GRF Director Maureen Habel highlighted the fiscal impacts of unsafe driving.

She explained that GRF’s insurance premiums had risen from $3.29 million to $5.49 million this year “primarily due to huge increases in liability and property damage coverage,” attributed in part to “claims due to motor vehicle accidents.”

The Seal Beach Police Department is solely responsible for enforcing speed limits in Leisure World. However, it is each person’s individual duty to follow traffic laws and do their part towards making Leisure World a safe place to live.

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