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Cribbage Club meets in CH 4

Cribbage Club meets in CH 4 Cribbage Club meets in CH 4

The Cribbage Club is meeting in Clubhouse 4 during the renovations to Clubhouse 1. Meetings are Tuesdays at noon with refreshments served from noon-12:15. Anyone arriving by 12:15 is assured a place to play. A total of seven games are played. Yearly dues are $5 and $1 is collected each week to play.

Alma Zamzow provided cupcakes, ice cream and chocolates in celebration of her birthday. Alma along with Margaret Smith served the refreshments. The club wishes Alma a happy birthday and thanks the ladies for their service.

Winners for the week include: Cleo Looney, first place with a perfect score of 847, earning her another star; Alma Zamzow, 826, second; Mike Rosu, 823, third; Candy Meyers, 814, fourth. Dave LaCascia finished with no wins.

For more information call Marilyn Chelsvig at 562-279-5665.

—Mary Holder

Alma Zamzow celebrated her birthday with grandson Elliott and daughter Shirley.

Cleo Looney's perfect score of 847 earned another star.

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