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Community Karaoke

Community Karaoke Community Karaoke

On Feb. 21, 35 anxious folks awaited their call to the mic to entertain the audience at the Community Karaoke Club’s weekly karaoke night. Erika Greenwood’s daughter, Yvonne, grabbed attention singing “Coal Miner’s Daughter.” A newbie to karaoke was Marianne Bartel with the fun song “Yakety Yak.” Holding an umbrella, William Young did a lively “Singing in the Rain.” Mariza Joaqiun got people moving with “I Will Survive.” A Beatles number, “Old Brown Shoe,” was a good song for Bob Barnum. Kyung Ju sang a lovely Celine Dion hit. At ease, Vinny Correnti delivered “Black Velvet.” Essie Hicks wowed the group with her emotional song choices.

The club’s temporary quarters in Clubhouse 4 has worked out well. The room was filled with a cheerful gathering of folks greeting and encouraging each other with their smiles and applause. The club’s songbooks are packed with the top hits of great artists. Singers can rehearse a number on Monday in Clubhouse 6 from 1-3 p.m., or join the party each Wednesday evening in Clubhouse 4.

—Margie Thompson

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