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Club announces top losers, new board members

Club announces top losers, new board members Club announces top losers, new board members

The Wa-Rite Club meets every Friday from 9-10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Weigh-ins are from 8:15-8:45, and optional for guests. Female LW residents are welcome to visit any of the club’s meetings, and should arrive by 8:45.

On Feb. 9, the club announced a new board with the same leadership except for Vice President Bev Bender. The top loser crown went to Lisa Brass who satisfied her hunger with a homemade vegetable soup and vegan protein sources. Degreed member Ellen Larsen was also awarded a crown for continuing weight loss maintenance. The club had a good week with a total loss of 20 pounds.

The rest of the meeting was dedicated to informative presentation by the community educator for the Womenheart organization Joni Williams on women’s heart health and screenings.

Wa-Rite President Judy Chambers spoke of the annual Women’s Heart and Stroke Seminar she attended several years ago, which led to the diagnosis of a heart condition her doctors had not yet found. She considers her day at the seminar to have been lifesaving. It is held annually at the Long Beach Medical Center and provides medical screenings, presentations from the specialists, nutritional recommendations, breakfast and lunch.

—Denise Stabile

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