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Sunshine Club

Sunshine Club Sunshine Club

PhD candidate Marina Richie will speak to the Sunshine Club about the importance of study participants in advancing Alzheimer’s disease research on Friday, Feb. 23, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 10 a.m.

Ritchie’s research centers on identifying means to improve recruitment, retention, and overall study design in Alzheimer’s disease research, including clinical trials. In addition to her research, she serves as a co-chair for REMIND, an organization led by UCI MIND’s predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees to conduct outreach and promote education on neurodegenerative diseases.

All shareholders are welcome to join this meeting. Sunshine Club requires no membership fees, but donations are welcome. Refreshments will be served.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at 562-301-5339.

Marina Ritchie

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