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Rolando Ramirez scores a hole-in-one on No. 2

Rolando Ramirez scores a hole-in-one on No. 2 Rolando Ramirez scores a hole-in-one on No. 2


The first Leisure World Men’s Golf Club Tournament of February was held on Valentine’s Day at the Turtle Lake Golf Course. Sixty-two variously skilled golfers in three flights vied for best net scores (gross score minus handicap), plus four circle holes (shots within a 5-foot circle rewarded) and two closest to the pin challenges.

After the heavy rains and serious flooding, it was good to see the quick recovery of the fairways, tees, and greens. Kudos to the landscape crew. Since the greens were very receptive, it was surprising that only 19 of the 62 rounds were net at or under par, but there were 45 birdies, and seven circle hole winners. Rolando Ramirez aced the 64-yard second hole.

The low gross competition was won by Bill Lyons, followed by Bob Barnum and Mark Rice. Best net score was Bruce Bowles, followed by Lyons, and then Mike Carlson. Closest to the pin on the seventh hole was Ralph Koizumi at 2 feet 4 inches, and Daniel Mahoney and Rice tied at 6 feet even on the 16th hole.

All scores below are net (gross score minus handicap).

A flight winners (handicaps of 0-6): Lyons, 5 under 49, first place; tie between Dave LaCascia and Rice, 2 under 52, second; Barnum, 1 under 53, third; Bob Johnston, even par 54, fourth; John Kolthoff, fifth; tie between Alan Sewell, Ron Steele and Seung Lee, sixth.

B flight winners (handicaps of 7-13): Bowles, 6 under 48, first place; tie between Byron Schweitzer and John Rudosky, 3 under 51, second; Gene Archambault, 2 under 52, third; tie between Tom Owens and Rolando Phillips, 1 under 53, fourth; tie between Dale Williamson and Dave Winn, even par 54, fifth; Jun Um, sixth; tie between Bill McKusky and Gary Newhall, seventh.

C flight winners (handicaps of 14-18): Carlson, 4 under 50, first place; tie between Jon Russell and Ryan Hong, 1 under 53, second; tie between James Farr, Kevin Linstedt and Wong G. Park, even par 54, third; Manny Miranda, fourth; tie between Mark Tal and Hyon Shin, fifth.

The next men’s tournament will be on Feb. 28 and every second and fourth Wednesday of each month. The Guys and Gals tournaments will be on the third and fifth Wednesdays, if there is one, of each month.

Those who had planned to play and cannot should contact Alan Sewell at 541-324-8558 or Dave LaCascia at 801-674-5975 as soon as possible. Arrive 15 minutes prior to scheduled tee time and be ready to play.

—Dave LaCascia

Rolando Ramirez aced the 64-yard second hole

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