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Restaurant Review

Leisure World residents are welcome to submit reviews of their favorite restaurants. Reviews should include the writer’s full name, contact information and a Mutual number. Make sure the restaurant’s name, telephone number, address and operating hours are included in the review, which are subject to editing and will be run as space allows. Email them to Primrose 13956 Seal Beach Blvd., Seal Beach, CA 90740 562-799-6799 Hours: Seven days a week, 7 a.m.-7 p.m.

by Barry Silvarman

Pauline and I went to dinner one recent evening at Primrose. Our server told us that since the last review, business had picked up considerably.

We both had salads. I had a tasty burger with fries and Pauline had a lamb shank special with mashed potatoes for $20.90 that included the salad.

My burger, salad and fries was $15.90, and a very good apple pie was $4.95. This summer, we’ll take our dog, Marley, for outdoor lunch.

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