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LW Baptist Church

LW Baptist will reflect on God’s amazing grace on Sunday, Feb. 25, in Clubhouse 4 at 10 a.m.

In the book of Numbers, chapter 14, the adult generation of Israelites that experienced the exodus from Egypt were en route through the wilderness and had forfeited their right to enter Canaan due to their unbelief.

God, having just pronounced that the unbelieving generation will die in the wilderness over a 40 year period, gives instructions to the nation that are filled with unexpected hope: “When you enter the land where you are to live, which I am giving you...” and proceeds to detail how they should worship. The significance of these words is that God is not finished with Israel as a nation.God forgives his people and arranges the way for their sins to be forgiven.

For more information, call 562-430-8598.

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