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LW Art League

LW Art League LW Art League

The LW Art League met Feb. 13. The guest demonstration artist and judge was watercolorist Anne Kupillas of Long Beach. The demonstration was very lively and there was lots of interaction between Kupillas and the audience. Kupillas demonstrated a “wet on wet” watercolor painting technique using a vegan watercolor paint.

The competition winners are: Terese Smith, Best of Show; Carol Levine, popular vote. In the masters category, Alice Sioson won first place; Carol Levine, second; Rosie Grogan, third. In the intermediate category, Mary Hebert won first place; Daniel Prosek, second; Linda Frysinger, third; Judy Sherratt, honorable mention. In the 3D/craft category, Alice Sioson won first place.

Three new members joined: Michael Senecal, Jim Greer and Diane Astier. The Art League will meet Tuesday, March 12.

—Larry Sioson

Winners at the Feb. 13 competition were Carol Levine (front, l-r), Brenda Terese Smith, Alice Sioson and Mary Hebert (back).

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