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Learn how to prepare for an emergency Friday

Learn how to prepare  for an emergency Friday Learn how to prepare  for an emergency Friday

The LW Community Emergency Response Team ( LW CERT) will meet Friday, Feb. 23, at 9 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9, for a safety class on earthquake preparation. LW CERT’s free monthly safety classes are 45 minutes long and all residents are welcome to join. Coffee and muffins are provided.

At the January LW CERT safety class, President Catherine O’Brien distributed a FEMA “Family Emergency Communication Plan” handout and gave a presentation on the importance of having a good communication plan. O’Brien covered three ways to organize key contact information for people’s families and other important people (including medical facilities, doctors, insurance companies and service providers).

LW CERT President Catherine O'Brien (l) with Debbie Campbell.

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