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Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

The Democratic Club’s will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 28, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2 at 1:30 p.m. or by Zoom. Jeffrey Cardenas, the organizing director for the Orange County Democratic Party will join the meeting in person. He will talk about the party’s plans for the November General Election, as well as how local clubs can work together.

The election to replace termed-out Andrew Do as LW’s District 1 representative on the Orange County Board of Supervisor continues to receive considerable attention throughout the county. One reason for so much interest in this race is because of the way California conducts elections dealing with county or local races.

LW voters need to be aware that if any one of the five candidates seeking to replace Do on the OC Board of Supervisors secures over 50% of the vote in the current Primary Election, the election for this seat will be over.

Frances Marquez is the Democratic Party endorsed candidate in this race. She also has a long list of organizations and elected officials and community leaders supporting her candidacy.

All voters can sign up for California’s “Where’s My Ballot?” tracker to receive an update by text, email or phone when their ballot is officially processed.

Voters can already submit their ballot in the Voter Drop Box located in the Amphitheater parking lot at 13531 St. Andrews Drive. Ballots are picked up daily by a representative of the OC Registrar of Voters. Because of the passage of Assembly Bill 626,people can also turn in their completed ballot at the vote center located at the fire station outside of the North Gate starting March 2.

Those who want assistance voting or more information about candidates on their ballot can contact a Democratic Club board member at 562-296-8521 or 1-805-588-5141. Visit the Hospitality and Information tent every Tuesday and Thursday outside Clubhouse 6 from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Democrats and supporters are also invited to subscribe to the club’s free newsletter by emailing Make sure to include contact and party information.

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