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Cribbage Club schedule change for February

The Feb. 27 meeting of the Cribbage Club has been canceled because Clubhouse 4 will be unavailable.

The club will meet in Clubhouse 4 March 5 while Clubhouse 1 renovations are finalized.

The club meets Tuesdays at noon. Anyone arriving by 12:15 is assured a place to play. Refreshments are served from noon-12:15, and seven games are played beginning at 12:30.

The club met Feb. 13 for its semi-annual meeting and to play.

The club provided pizza, salad and refreshments. Carrie Kistner and Candy Meyers did the serving and the club offers a special thank you to them both. The club appreciates all who pitched in to help get the lunch set up.

Winners of the week were: Helen Elich, 839, first place; Donna Gorman, 831, second; Sharon Rutigliano and Patti Smith, 824, third; Lynne Sorum, 821, fourth.

For more information; contact Marilyn Chelsvig at 562-279-5665.

—Mary Holder

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