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RSVP to cancer survivor luncheon by Feb. 16

RSVP to cancer survivor luncheon by Feb. 16 RSVP to cancer survivor luncheon by Feb. 16


LWers are welcome to attend Community Church’s annual Valentine’s Cancer Luncheon on Feb. 21 in the fellowship hall at noon. The free event will be held for anyone who has been touched by a cancer diagnosis. A light will be served with entertainment. Caregivers or a significant others who were a support during the time of illness are welcome. Attendance is by reservation only, due Friday, Feb. 16. RSVP to Taylor White anytime in person, or call Sally Glausser at 562-431-3851 Kelly Frankiewicz, M.Div. returns to share the message at LW Community Church on Sunday, Feb. 18. Passages from Mark and Luke challenge believers to expect opposition when they commit to serving God, but to do it anyway. Jesus faced the same truths.

Community Church meets for worship every Sunday at 9:50 a.m. followed by a time fellowship and light refreshment. People are welcome to arrive early for a cup of coffee in the narthex. The church is located inside Leisure World at 14000 Church Place. All are welcome to attend.

Those who are in need without another way to address it may call the church office at 562-431-2503.

Carol Burge (l-r), Sandy Walker, Phyllis Spencer, Patty Jo Schmitz, Virginia Olejnik and Taylor White will host Community Church's Cancer Survivors Luncheon on Feb. 21.

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