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Presentation will focus on Nepal

Presentation will focus on Nepal Presentation will focus on Nepal


The Traveling Tigers will meet Wednesday, Feb. 21, at noon in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. The meeting will begin with a potluck. People should bring a dish to share. At 1, there will be a short business meeting followed by a presentation on Nepal.

In August 2022, Dennis Punches and his wife, Karen, flew to Katmandu, Nepal, to join their daughter, who was spending the summer with a friend.

Over two weeks they spent time in Katmandu, the ancient royal city of Bhaktapur, the lakeside town of Pokhara and the Himalayan Tibetan villages of Marpha and Muktinath. Dennis will give a photo presentation of their trip. Dennis and Karen worked in Cameroon, West Africa for seven years. They also spent a year in Honduras, studied French in Quebec and have made numerous journeys to Myanmar.

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