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Assembly of God

February is the month people celebrate Valentine’s Day and the theme of love. Jesus talked a lot about love in its purest and most perfect form. The passage for Pastor Chuck Franco’s sermon this week, 1 John 4:18-20, speaks to the power of God’s lovetodispelfear. God’soverwhelming love for his people overcomes that fear and allows believers to have confidence in facing any challenge, assured of God’s perfect, powerful love.

The Wednesday Bible study will look at session four of “The Book of Mark,” a study by Francis Chan, covering Mark 3:7-4:34. As Jesus’s reputation for healing and deliverance from demons grows, multitudes begin to follow him, to the point where Jesus instructs his disciples to keep a boat ready for him to ensure he is not crushed by the crowd. Jesus appoints the 12 apostles to assist him in ministry, and several parables are recorded. The video is followed by interactive discussion, led by Pastor Chuck.

LW Assembly of God meets Sundays at 10:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. The Wednesday Bible study is at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. The Hymn Sing is held on the fourth Sunday night of each month at 6 p.m. in the Clubhouse 3 Lobby.

More information about the church can be found at www., and on Facebook at the LW Assembly of God Church page, where people can catch up on past sermons. Contact the church office at 562-357-4360, or

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