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Sunshine Club

Sunshine Club Sunshine Club

GRF Service Maintenance Director Ruben Gonzalez will speak at the Sunshine Club on Friday, Feb. 9, at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, Gonzalez has been an employee of Golden Rain Foundation since 1973. The information that he can provide has been accumulating for over 50 years. Gonzalez will discuss how the Service Maintenance Department can be of assistance to shareholders.

Gonzalez understands that there are a lot of aspects to living in Leisure World that may create questions and with over 50 years of experience here, he hopes to be able to answer those questions.

All residents are welcome to join this meeting. Sunshine Club requires no membership fees, butdonationsarewelcome.

For more information, call Anna Derby at 562- 301-5339.

Ruben Gonzalez

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