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Having issues with an RFID tag? Call 562-594-4754.

TAG ONLY” lane.

• Vehicles without an RFID tag will enter the “ALL OTHERS”


Permanent Visitors

• Four permanent visitors are allowed per unit on your account.

• Each guest will receive a pass at the front when entering— permanent visitors will keep that pass for 90 days.

• After 90 days, the next time the permanent visitor arrives, the security officer will check to ensure the permanent visitor is still on the list, and a pass will be issued for another 90 days.

• You may delete a permanent visitor at any time by calling Security or using the Proptia portal.

• To obtain a caregiver pass, the caregiver must go to the Stock Transfer Office and fill out an application. Once filled out, they will receive a six-month pass when they are added to Proptia and go through the gate for the first time.

Temporary Visitors

• Temporary visitors may receive passes from 1-7 days.

• You may add a temporary visitor by calling Security or using the Proptia portal.

• People can always call in their visitors 24/7, just as they did before, by contacting Security at 562-594-4754.

Getting an RFID tag

RFID tags for residents and residents’ additional vehicles are available at the Decal Office in Building 5. People must have the a valid state issued driver’s license, valid vehicle registration, valid vehicle insurance, and a valid GRF identification card.

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