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Garden Club

The Garden Club has much to offer Leisure World residents. The meetings are not only informative but also a lot of fun. A green thumb is not a requirement to join the club, only an interest in and an appreciation of the beauty of nature.

The club offers a program at the monthly meetings on a wide variety of topics and sometimes hands-on events such as making holiday centerpieces.

The club will meet Feb. 19. LW resident and certified arborist Victoria Bowles will talk all about trees.

Upcoming speakers include Donna Gambol from Mutual 1 who will discuss monarch butterflies; Kathy Thayer from the GRF Recreation Department who will demonstrate floral arranging; and Elizabeth Wallace who will talk about the California Native Plant Society.

The club also arranges great tours. The next one is on Feb. 29 to the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana. Club members get first dibs on the tickets, and they can invite their friends.

In addition, there are two fun and delicious luncheons each year: one in June and a holiday party in December. There are plenty of door prizes and opportunity drawings, and everyone has a good time.

The club meets on the third Monday of the month in Clubhouse 2 at 1:30 p.m. Dues are $10 a year.

—Nancy Goldstein

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